We love our learning in Y5
We have been using manipulatives to deepen our understanding of equivalent fractions. We then...
Read MoreOur Vision
At Tankersley St Peter’s, our vision for mathematics is that every pupil is taught a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum that takes into account the requirements of the National Curriculum. Our mastery approach curriculum ensures that every child can achieve excellence in mathematics and develops a ‘can do’ and positive attitude in our children.
Using the White Rose Maths Hub documents, our teachers ensure that mathematics is taught progressively and builds on prior learning, using year group concepts and objectives. We have sequenced our curriculum to build children’s depth of understanding when teaching each mathematical skill and our children are given many opportunities to consolidate prior knowledge and explain their learning.
We believe that all our children should have:
An ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately.
Our maths curriculum aims to ensure that all our children:
Our mastery approach to the curriculum is designed to develop children's knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts from the Early Years through to the end of Y6.
We follow the National Curriculum and use White Rose Small Steps as a guide to support teachers with coverage, progression planning and assessment.
We ensure there are planned opportunities for children to revisit their learning in Countdown Maths and Maths Meetings. This allows for a greater depth of understanding.
We use a wide range of models, visual manipulatives and practical resources to support learning.
Activities cover a wide range of mathematical knowledge, many with an emphasis on practical work and applying skills. Each sequence is taught using small steps with many opportunities given for Concrete, Pictorial(including bar model) and Abstract approaches, and variation through question types: Varied Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving. We build on skills and understanding in a progressive way, where mathematical connections are also made to other themes.
Maths Meetings take place daily to deepen fluency. Questions are planned carefully to ensure depth of understanding. Same day Maths Interventions take place to help pupils to practice tricky concepts, deepen understanding and post teach mathematical gaps- keep up, not catch up!
Our children are encouraged to be confident in maths and to apply the skills that they learn to problem solving and reasoning using the motto… use what you know to find out what you don’t.
Children are given many opportunities as possible to explain their learning- verbally, pictorially and written. Our children are encouraged to answer questions in a complete sentence to develop depth of understanding and reinforce key vocabulary.
Children are expected to be fluent in all times tables and number bonds/relationships by the end of year 4; they can practice their times tables at home on the interactive TT Rock Stars website.
Countdown Maths aids consolidation in key mathematical concepts. Our children complete maths questions on the board first thing each morning. These are pitched using age related objectives and include at least one of each of the four operations + - x ÷ x tables and also fluency, word type problems and reasoning. Questions are completed promptly and marked together as a class (with some questions picked out for clarification /misconceptions).
We have been using manipulatives to deepen our understanding of equivalent fractions. We then...
Read MoreThe Nursery children have loved learning about the spectacular season of autumn. The children...
Read MoreThe children have had fun subitising, counting and representing whole numbers 1 to 4, making...
Read MoreWe really enjoy our weekly TT Rockstars session are making really good progress with learning our...
Read MoreThe Billionaires have started a new topic in mathematics! Our first lesson involved adding and...
Read MoreThe Shining Stars have had a fun time dressing up as Rock Stars and exploring Numbots games on...
Read MoreThe Shining Stars have created repeating pattern fruit kebabs and enjoyed eating the healthy...
Read MoreThe children have enjoyed listening to ‘The Great Race’ Chinese New Year story and...
Read MoreLong division… we’ve got it! ...
Read MoreThe children have matched everyday objects such as shapes and boots. They have also had fun taking...
Read MoreSo the aim of the game was to make the biggest number by rolling the 10 sided dice and deciding...
Read MoreThe children have enjoyed learning all about identical and un-identical pairs, by pulling objects...
Read MoreToday we have been finding a quarter of different amounts....
Read MoreToday we began to learn about fractions. We folded a piece of paper into quarters. We also used...
Read MoreWe estimated the length of certain objects in cm. We then used a ruler to measure the actual...
Read MoreThe Billionaires have started learning about fractions this week, and what better way to learn...
Read MoreToday we made equal groups and wrote division and multiplication sentences to match. ...
Read MoreIn Maths we have been making equal groups. We recorded a repeated addition and multiplication sum....
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