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We have discreet timetabled lessons for the development of Computing but our approach is also to integrate this into the creative curriculum: the use of IPad are part of our learning tools as well as our class ‘Alexa’ devices to improve vocabulary and research.  We use Purple Mash to support planning, teaching and learning, including Coding, across all year groups. This is a creative educational website for Pupils and a cross-curricular resource covering most subjects such as Science, Art, History and Geography. As well as using it in school, Pupils can access Purple Mash from home. TT Rock stars is a well embedded platform to support the learning of times tables both at home and at school.

Online Safety is a strong part of the learning in computing and Pupils learn how to look after themselves in a virtual world and identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns. This also links to our 1Decision PHSE curriculum on computer safety.

