Mental health and well being policy


Supporting your child with Healthy peer relationships





Dealing with Anxiety

Breathing and Grounding Techniques

Managing Hypothetical Worries

Worry Tree

click to enlarge

Our Graduated Response to Social, Emotional, Mental Health and Wellbeing (SEMH)

Here at Tankersley St Peters, Children’s mental health and wellbeing is so important, more so now than ever given the challenging times that we all find ourselves.  We use the following health minds posters in our classroom and talk to the children about the emotions that they may be feeling.  For example, we might say; “It is ok to be angry, but what we need to do now is get you back to your just right brain.”  We have calming down techniques, which we teach in school to support this.  


There are some more resources for you to use below. 


Brain Breaks/Wellbeing through Mediation.

Cosmic Kids Yoga is a fantastic site for children to use, particularly for FS and KS1 children.   Click on this link to take you to the site.  Some of the videos are accessible without charge, through YouTube or you can sign up through the site for a subscription.

For our KS2 children, here are a couple of suggestions however there are many more out there.  Happy Kids Mediation have their own channel via YouTube with much more on there.


Activities to help your mind.

Every year Children’s Mental Health Weeks promoted throughout the country and this year’s theme is Express Yourself.  More information can be found via the link.

Below are some ideas of the many activities available to hell support our children’s mental health and wellbeing.




As you know, our mental health and well-being is vital during these uncertain times. We have found some resources that you might find useful to support your child’s mental health. Attached is a worry journal that could be completed every morning or night to discuss any difficult feelings your child may have. 



BECCP Supporting Wellbeing – guidance for families


Mental health and well-being booklet

Looking after your feelings and your body

Worry Journal

The Childrens Sleep Charity Leaflet

The Childrens Sleep Charity Routine Leaflet

Click To Enlarge Meaningful May


How to nurture a child’s mental health


What is Anxiety?

My Cup of Courage UK – Big Life Journal
