Class 4

  A warm welcome to year 4.  A new school year and a new class name; The Billionaires is now our official name.  Why ? Because there's going to billions of fun things going on, billions of new and exciting facts to learn about and billions of happy memories waiting to be created in Y4.  I'm looking forward to it......So let's get going ! In our blog with a whole host of information of what we have been up to, in the documents folder at the top of the blog there are newsletters telling you what's going on and class letters in case you lose anything. Hope it all helps to keep in touch.  

“Tables thing”

Homework, Trips & Newsletters folder




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Year 4 Tudor Play

  The Billionaires demonstrate their learning in history with a wonderful play showcasing why Henry VIII had so many wives and the changes he made to religion in England.

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What damages our teeth?

The Billionaires wanted to know what certain types of drinks would do to our teeth. We investigated cola, vinegar, orange juice, coffee, milk and water.   We used egg shells because they have a similar composition to the enamel...

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Sports Day 2023

This year, Key Stage 2 had our sports day at Tankersley and Pilley Hub. We had a fantastic day and...

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