Class 2



Great Gorillas!!

Our class identity in Year 2 is ‘The Great Gorillas’. We are named after a book written by the author Anthony Browne called ‘Gorilla’. In this story a little girl called Hannah is obsessed with gorillas and she longs to see a real gorilla at the zoo. Unfortunately her father is too consumed with work and has no time for her. Anthony Browne compares Hannah’s dad to a gorilla throughout the story.  Gorilla is one of the many texts written by Anthony Browne that we will be studying throughout the year. Other titles include:

Shades of brown

In Art today we learnt how to create different shades of brown by adding white and black paint....

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Tudor Houses

We have been designing and making Tudor Houses. Today we learnt how to use a variety of tools...

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Maundy Thursday

We used the drama technique of conscience alley to think about the decision that Jesus had to make...

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  In our dance lessons we have been thinking about creating movements based on the growth of...

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