Meet our  friend- Harry the Hero!

Harry enjoys spending time with other heroes- children who are…

In order to be a hero, children must get to school on time, making sure they are in class and ready to learn by 9.00am EVERYDAY!

The class with the highest percentage of heroes gets to keep Harry in class for the day!

We are keeping track of which class has the most heroes on a special racetrack in the Key Stage One entrance.

  • The class with the most heroes by the end of half term will win an extra playtime and a huge box of Heroes chocolate to share! I 

School Attendance and Punctuality Procedures

We are focusing on increasing our overall attendance across school, as well as improving punctuality. These are our procedures for the beginning of the school day:

  • The school will open at 8.45am – pupils will need to be in their class to start their learning by 9.00am at the latest.
  • At 9.00am the site will be secured and all gates will be locked.
  • Any pupils arriving after this time must report to the front reception desk through the main school entrance. These children will be marked in the register as late.


Can we please ask that routine Doctor and Dentist appointments are made out of school time where ever possible .If this is not possible, can we encourage children to attend school- if they are well enough – around their appointment in order to get their mark in the register.

We understand that emergencies happen, as well as genuine sickness/illness. We ask that you let school know as early as possible if your child/children are going to be absent from school so their absence can be authorized.

We thank you for your support and co-operation in this matter.




