We celebrated the Fairtrade Fortnight in our school by organising a number of different events. The Global Guardians visited the local Coop supermarket to see how many different Fairtrade products they stock and found tea, coffee, hot chocolate, bananas and even flowers. We had a lovely chat with the store manager and told him about what we already knew about Fairtrade. During our global worship we learnt about where different items of food come from and even had a quiz about bananas. The Global Guardians ran a special tuck shop during every morning break this week and sold Fairtrade bananas. And we also  organised a Fairtrade coffee morning for the parents, carers and guardians and a Fairtrade cafe for the pupils and everyone really enjoyed drinking  Fairtrade hot chocolate. It has been a lot of fun and we managed to raise some funds for the Fairtrade Foundation which will support the lives of farmers and their communities in different parts of the world.