In the same way that St Peter was nurtured by Jesus and allowed to grow and flourish as a leader, we aspire to help all our pupils fulfil their God-given potential. Our children’s qualities flourish because of our school vision; Aiming High and Enquiry is part of loving our learning. Knowing that God is with us, loves us and has a plan for us links with Self- Belief and Respect. Finally, making the world a better place links with Community Spirit and Enterprise. Our vision is linked to events from the Gospels or a story that Jesus taught.
Click on the fish to find out more.
Aiming High
We offer an ambitious curriculum to enable all our learners to flourish and fulfil their God given potential . Perserverance is encouraged and success is celebrated. Our children have a thirst for knowledge and are motivated to learn.
Have self-belief...
We teach children that God is always with us and give us the strength to succeed. We take confidence that God has an amazing plan for our lives. God loves us and we teach the children to love and believe in themselves.
Community Spirit
Our school aims to be a thriving community with shared values and aspirations. The Bible teaches us that ‘though we are many, we form one body.’ (Romans 12:5). We seek to make the world a better place through developing a spirit of community in our school family and also to be outward looking as we embrace relationships with schools in other areas of the world.
Enquiry was central to Jesus' life and teachings. Our pupils encounter Christian faith in a spirit of enquiry. Jesus said ‘ask and you will receive, seek and you will find. Knock and the door shall be opened to you.’ (Matthew 7:7). Our curriculum is centred around an enquiry based learning approach where we encourage Pupils to question the world around them and to love their learning.
Be respectful...
God loves and values everyone – so should we. Everyone is part of God’s family and we work hard to ensure that our children feel that they belong, here at Tankersley. We respect God, each other and ourselves.
Our school aims to be a thriving community with shared values and aspirations. The Bible teaches us that ‘though we are many, we form one body.’ (Romans 12:5). We seek to make the world a better place through developing a spirit of community in our school family and also to be outward looking as we embrace relationships with schools in other areas of the world. We ask ‘who is my neighbour?’ (Luke 10:29) and learn global answers, exploring the wider world around us. It teaches us to be kind, empathetic future citizens of the world.
Thank you for visiting our school website. As a Church of England school, our vision is at the core of our identity and underpins everything that we do. The vision is taken from Psalm 25 V 5; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour and my hope is in you all day long.
In the same way that St Peter was nurtured by Jesus and allowed to grow and flourish as a leader, we aspire to help all our pupils fulfil their God-given potential. Our children’s qualities flourish because of our school vision; Aiming High and Enquiry is part of loving our learning. Knowing that God is with us, loves us and has a plan for us links with Self- Belief and Respect. Finally, making the world a better place links with Community Spirit and Enterprise. Our vision is linked to events from the Gospels or a story that Jesus taught. These are as follows:
- Aiming High & Self-Belief – The Feeding of the Five Thousand (Mark 6: 30-44)
- Community Spirit – The Last Supper (Matthew 26: 26-30)
- Enterprise – The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25: 14-30)
- Enquiry – The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7: 7-8)
- Respect – The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37)
We teach all our pupils that ‘they are God’s masterpiece’ (Ephesians 2:10). By aiming high and loving our learning, our pupils are encouraged to flourish and fulfil their God-given potential.
Enquiry was central to Jesus’ life and teachings. Our pupils encounter Christian faith in a spirit of enquiry. Jesus said ‘ask and you will receive, seek and you will find. Knock and the door shall be opened to you.’ (Matthew 7:7). Our curriculum is centred around an enquiry based learning approach where we encourage Pupils to question the world around them and to love their learning.
Our school aims to be a thriving community with shared values and aspirations. The Bible teaches us that ‘though we are many, we form one body.’ (Romans 12:5). We seek to make the world a better place through developing a spirit of community in our school family and also to be outward looking as we embrace relationships with schools in other areas of the world. We ask ‘who is my neighbour?’ (Luke 10:29) and learn global answers, exploring the wider world around us. It teaches us to be kind, empathetic future citizens of the world.
Our pupils are enterprising individuals who think creatively and confidently embrace learning in different ways. Our pupils are taught that they ‘can do all things through Christ who gives them strength.’ (Philippians 4:13). We encourage all pupils, whatever their background or belief, to stretch themselves spiritually, morally, intellectually, imaginatively and actively. (Church of England Vision for education – Page 10). We want our children to “reach for the sky” and have high aspirations for themselves, that they are not passive in their lives but live to their full potential and in doing so make the world a better place.
At Tankersley St Peters, pupils are accepted in a spirit of grace. They are not judged. This is rooted in the understanding that we are all created in the image of God. We know that God is with us, loves us and has a plan for us and accepted by God for who we are. We learn that making mistakes is how we learn and we foster a belief that we are all lifelong learners.
Pupils are taught to respect one another as individuals and ‘love their neighbour as themselves’ (Luke 10:27) Tolerance is strongly encouraged and rewarded. Pupils are taught to accept differences, celebrate diversity and champion justice. We know that God is with us, loves us and has a plan for ALL of us.
We have a strong link to our church, St Peter’s and many church members are actively involved in school life. Our pupils enjoy regular visits to St Peter’s for key Christian festivals throughout the year.
Our school logo consists of a fish and a pair of crossed keys, both of which link to St Peter. The fish is a key symbol used to represent Christianity as the Greek word for fish is ‘Icthus’, which in Greek spells out ‘Jesus Christ God’s Son’. Peter was also a fisherman by trade and he was given the task by Jesus of ‘fishing for people’ (Mark 1:17). The crossed keys are often referred to as the ‘Keys of Heaven’, given to Peter by Jesus. They also represent our desire to unlock the potential inside every one of our Pupils and enable them to thrive.
We also have the highest regard for safeguarding and safety in school and our Keeping safe blog showcases the great work we do in this area.
We hope you enjoy browsing our website as there is never a dull day at Tankersley. We are committed to ensuring our website reflects the vibrancy of school life. Our Class Blogs (under the “Classes” tab at the top of the page) celebrate the wonderful learning happening daily in our classrooms. We also have a VIMEO video site which showcases some of our wider opportunities such as school performances and excellence in music. I would like to thank you for taking the time to find out about our school – we are very proud of our school community. If you would like further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
Mrs Vicky Harrison
Headteacher’s Letter 29 November 2024
What is the significance of the Christingle?
Today we learnt that Christingles are used in some Christian churches during the time of Advent. Each part of a Christingle represents something special for this time of year.
Remembrance Poppy Collages
In our history lesson we have been learning about the symbolism of poppies. We made a poppy field collage.
Today we started our new story book 'Starlight' written by Gillian Lobel. The children had to guess what the character in the story had been given as a birthday present. The children then unwrapped the present to discover a hobby-horse. [gallery type="rectangular"...
Headteacher Letter 22 November 2024
We love our learning in Y5
We have been using manipulatives to deepen our understanding of equivalent fractions. We then went on to solve fraction problems with success.
Our Butterfly Lions think about Jesus and his qualities…
Marriage and weddings
The Hungry Caterpillars have been learning about marriage and weddings in Nursery. We took part in a pretend wedding and enjoyed celebrating the happy event. We would like to thank Mrs Harrison for her lovely reading, Reverend Chris Herbert for leading our wonderful...
The children were excited to create Mehndi hand patterns and Rangoli patterns alongside family members. They also decorated their own clay Diva lamps, drew pictures and wrote about the story of Rama and Sita. There was Indian food tasting and the children presented...
The Owl and the Pussy-cat
We have been carrying out worked based on Edward Lear's poem 'The Owl and the Pussy-cat'. We have created our own versions of the poem.
Today we experienced a yoga taster session. It was very relaxing!
Timeline Activity
Today we were introduced to the new historical card (World War 1 ended in 1918) and placed it in the correct position on the timeline. We worked out that World War 1 ended 106 years ago, therefore it is beyond living memory. [gallery type="rectangular"...
Headteacher’s newsletter 15th November 2024
Butterfly Lions learn how to keep safe at Crucial Crew…
The children have enjoyed designing their own pair of odd socks and have been discussing how we are all special, unique and different. They have been learning about respecting these differences and showing this through kind words and actions. The children would like...
Why did Guy Fawkes plot against the King?
Inside speech and thought bubbles we described what Guy Fawkes and his friends were saying/thinking as they plotted against the king.
We Will Remember Them
The Hungry Caterpillars have learnt about Remembrance Day. The children found out about wearing poppies to remember soldiers who have been injured and killed fighting in wars. They were silent at 11am on 11th November to remember them. The children enjoyed creating...
Who was Guy Fawkes and why do we remember him?
We carried out an activity where we sequenced the main events of the Gunpowder Plot.
Head Teacher’s Letter 8th November 2024
The children have looked at information PowerPoints, videos and photographs as well as objects, to learn more about Remembrance Sunday. They have also been brainstorming and talking about new vocabulary such as parade, cenotaph and veteran. The children have created...
Our Butterfly Lions deepen their understanding about Islam…
Remember, remember the fifth of November…
The Hungry Caterpillars have been learning about how and why we celebrate Bonfire Night. We used information books and our Smartboard to find out about a ‘bad guy’ called Guy Fawkes! We sang a new song called ‘Bonfire Night is great’ in a circle around a pretend...
We carried out an activity where we built upon our previous learning. We learnt that apart from Neil Armstrong landing on the moon all the other events happened beyond living memory. We placed the Y1 events on the timeline. Then we were introduced to the new...
French is fun
We love our French lessons and made brilliant progress since the beginning of this year. This week we enjoyed playing a game of snakes and ladders and testing our vocabulary.